Monday, 14 March
11:00 - 12:40 Drop in in Gather. The link is distributed to all registered participants. Keynote presentation - CANCELLED
Chair: David GillsjöAmy Loutfi Deep Learning in Collaborative Human Robot Interaction Scenarios 12:40-12:45 Welcome address by Ida-Maria/Robin 12:45-13:15 Contributed talks: Biomedical Applications
Chair: David Gillsjö13:15-14:00 Keynote presentation
Chair: David GillsjöOrcun Göksel Deep Learning in Medical Ultrasound Imaging: Simulation and Image Reconstruction 14:00-16:00 Poster session and mingle in Gather List of contributions SSDL and SSBA 16:00-16:45 Keynote presentation.
Chair: Damian MatuszewskiCynthia Rudin Interpretable Neural Networks for Computer Vision: Clinical Decisions that are Computer-Aided, not Automated 16:45-17:15 Contributed talks: Energy-Based Regression, NLP
Chair: Damian MatuszewskiFredrik K. Gustafsson Learning Proposals for Practical Energy-Based Regression17:15-18:00 Keynote presentation
Chair: Damian MatuszewskiDavid J.T. Sumpter Why mathematical modelling needs to be more creative and unconventional
Tuesday, March 15
9:00 Welcome address by Ida-Maria/Robin 9:10-10:50 Contributed talks: Feature Learning, Generation and Properties
Chair: Ida ArvidssonJ. Rafid Siddiqui FEXGAN-META: Facial expression generation with meta humans10:50-11:20 Mingle in Gather, Coffee break 11:20-12:00 Industry session 1
Chair: Andrea BehanovaAntaros, Stora Enso 12:00-13:15 Lunch and Mingle in Gather 13:15-13:40 Mingle in Gather, Poster Session List of contributions SSBA and SSDL 13:40-14:30 Keynote presentation
Chair: Robin StrandMarcus Liwicki Historical Document Analysis – history, trends, and challenges 14:30-15:00 Mingle in Gather, Coffee break 15:00-16:40 Contributed talks: Registration, Localisation and Image Metrics
Chair: Nadezhda KoriakinaGabrielle Flood Map Matching with Statistical Deformations Using Minimal SolversJohan Öfverstedt Efficient Algorithms for Global Multimodal Image RegistrationPontus Andersson FLIP: Visualizing and Communicating the Differences Between Images16:40 Announcements - Best industry relevant paper
- Location of next year's SSBA
17:00 SSBA Annual Meeting
Wednesday, March 16
9:00-10:20 Contributed talks: Biomedical Tools.
Chair: Caroline Bivik Stadler, AIDAKristyna Hermanova Quantitative characteristics of brain lesions: a data visualization tool10:20-10:50 Mingle in Gather, Coffee break 10:50-11:50 Industry session 2
Chair: Ida-Maria SintornIrisity, Visage technologies, Vironova 11:50-12:10 Lunch break/Mingle in Gather 12:10-12:55 Keynote presentation
Chair: Ida-Maria SintornVirginie Uhlmann Deep learning for bioimage analysis: how far we got, and where we are heading
CIM lunch seminar12:55-13:20 Lunch break/Mingle in Gather 13:20-15:00 Contributed talks: Image Reconstruction and 3D Scene Understanding
Chair: Lucas BrynteCan Deniz Bezek Mean Speed-of-Sound Estimation Using Geometric Disparities15:00 End of symposium