Axis är marknadsledare inom nätverksvideo och en drivande kraft bakom övergången från analog till digital videoövervakning, som banar väg för en tryggare, smartare och säkrare värld. Axis erbjuder nätverksvideolösningar för professionella installationer med produkter och lösningar som är baserade på innovativa och öppna tekniska plattformar. Axis har över 1400 engagerade medarbetare på fler än 40 platser runt om i världen och med samarbetspartner i 179 länder. Axis grundades 1984 och är ett Sverigebaserat IT-företag som är noterat på NASDAQ OMX Stockholm under symbolen AXIS.
Termisk Systemteknik AB
Termisk Systemteknik AB is a Swedish SME specialized in thermography and thermal image processing, bringing solutions to the market for surveillance and monitoring using thermal cameras. Examples are aerial thermography of urban and rural areas, including automated image analysis, fire detection, industrial inspection, and perimeter surveillance.
TST also sells services, such as advanced studies and research projects, signature measurements, system development, and education. TST staff gives courses in thermography at ITC, Linköping University and custom-designed courses at various organizations.
TST is an R&D intense company, with tight connections to the academic world, turning research results into products and services. TST staff
also has plenty of experience from multinational projects, for example within EDA, EU and NATO.
Optronic in Brief
Optronic offers a complete range of development-, manufacturing- and outsourcing-services in the technical field of optronics, all adapted to the customer’s needs. In nearly 40 years of existence, Optronic has developed and manufactured a wide range of products, always with full ownership of the intellectual property rights for their customers.
Established as an efficient development organisation, Optronic gives their customers access to the latest technology in the field of optics and optoelectronics. The development department offers contract development of optical products for markets like industry, medical technology and security. Several products have been developed utilizing different optical metrology techniques such as vision cameras, triangulation, time-of-flight, spectroscopy, interferometry and laser-doppler velocimetry.
Tobii in Brief
Tobii is the world’s leading vendor of eye tracking and eye control: a technology that makes it possible for computers to know exactly where users are looking. Our technology is widely used in various research fields and as a means to control computers.
The idea of eye tracking came from a research project at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm and Tobii was founded in 2001. Innovation is at the heart of our business and Tobii has a strong focus on R&D; we continuously invest heavily in sharpening our core technology and in developing new products.
Our eye tracking technology has revolutionized research in many fields and has enabled communication for thousands of people with special needs. The goal is to always be first choice in any market and we are thus continuously expanding our offering beyond eye tracking and eye control.
Looking forward Tobii’s mission is to bring eye tracking into broader use. Some of that future is already here; we provide market-leading eye tracking technology to industrial partners in areas such as hospitals, diagnostics, vehicle safety, gaming and computer manufacturing.
Tobii continues to realize its visions, showing continuous and rapid year-to-year revenue growth, and receiving numerous awards and recognition for its accomplishments. From our head office in Stockholm, Sweden, our reach is as broad as our vision. With offices in the US, Germany, Norway, Japan and China and a worldwide network of resellers and partners, we are truly a global company.
Savantic in Brief
Savantic AB is a consulting firm specialised in image analysis and the adjacent areas of classification, simulations and optimisation. In image analysis, Savantic’s focus is on complex problems that cannot be solved by standard techniques. All employees of Savantic have PhD degrees in physics from different areas and are up to date with the latest research findings, thus being able to offer the customer competitive solutions in the research frontier. As physicists, there is an understanding of the whole process from image acquisition to visualisation which is of absolute essence when looking for solutions to more complex problems in image analysis.
Savantic has developed algorithms for the detection, tracking and classification of moving objects in real time from video images taken with both stationary and non-stationary cameras. The client was in this case FMV (Swedish Defence Materiel Administration). In this project, algorithms were also developed for the determination of the bearing to the objects of interest for the stationary camera. Another client is X-Ray Imatek in Barcelona, Spain. The project goal was to merge a mosaic of X-ray images into one image. The images were acquired with 99 sensors and were 256×256 pixels each. The task for Savantic was to normalise the response from the detectors by studying the small overlap between the images which was created and to correct for other artefacts as well. Carlos Sanchez of X-Ray Imatek summarises the experience of working with Savantic:
”One of the great things about Savantic is that they are not purely software people. In the development group dedicated to our project there were several physics PhDs which made everything a little simpler. They were able to understand the physics behind the X-ray images and whenever we ran into any difficulties they could pin point to possible hardware issues creating such problems. Also, during the development process they proposed several testing mechanisms to try to understand our system better. In essence, this aspect about Savantic was one of the key elements why we chose working with them. After all, software and hardware go hand in hand and you must have a clear understanding of both things if you want your product to be competitive. ”
Optonova in Brief
OptoNova är en ledande internationell leverantör av automatiska avsyningssystem för tillverkande industri.
Dessutom erbjuder vi ett brett spektrum av tjänster inom vision-teknik och optik – från affärsmässig och teknisk konsultation till uppdragsutveckling och uthyrning av specialistresurser.
OptoNova utvecklar, tillverkar och säljer både standardiserade och modifierade avsyningssystem.
Vi är verksamma inom ett flertal branscher, och har bland annat levererat avsyningssystem till träindustrin (möbler och golv), verkstadsindustrin, förpackningsindustrin, kärnkraftsindustrin och läkemedelsindustrin.
I de fall avsyningsuppgiften är väldigt speciell kan OptoNova utveckla helt unika kundlösningar.
Företaget grundades 2000 och är placerat i Solna. Läs mer om OptoNova på www.optonova.se
SICK IVP in Brief
SICK IVP in Linköping develops Machine Vision solutions for industrial production and quality assurance. Our 3D imaging technology is the global leader and the latest 3D camera for industrial applications was awarded with the internationally recognized Vision Innovation prize in 2010. The product line includes Vision Sensors, Smart Cameras and cameras for high speed 3D machine vision. These cameras work as embedded systems and are filled with algorithms for image processing, pattern matching, object classification, image fusion, measurement and camera calibration.
We are a part of the multinational German corporation SICK with more than 6,500 employees in 40 countries. SICK is a leading manufacturer of sensors and sensor solutions and SICK IVP in Linköping is a competence center for Machine Vision within SICK, performing research, product development, product management and marketing. We are currently 55 employees. The years 2008, 2011 and 2012, we were ranked as one of the best workplaces in the international employee survey in Great Place to Work.
Read more about SICK IVP.