
Sectra started out in the late 70s as a small consulting firm with researchers from Linköping University focused on secure solutions for banks. Today Sectra has around 600 employees, customers in over 60 countries and is well-recognized for its world-leading products within medical IT and information security. Apart from its products, Sectra is highly praised, both externally and internally for its knowledgeable and passionate employees.

Over the years, Sectra has kept close connections with academia, connections that today are stronger than ever with several active collaborations with both national and international research groups. This has allowed us to introduce new products such as the Sectra Visualization Table and to expand into new domains such as digital pathology. Current R&D spans across a number of areas (image computing, visualization, interaction) and where we employ both standard approaches and the latest state-of-the-art techniques to create innovative solutions. We also host a number of master thesis students each year.

The corporate headquarters is located in Linköping and the company is listed on Nasdaq, OMX Stockholm. Read more at